Visualizing the structure of the dataviz commumity on Twitter
- The software used for this viz is Gephi, the browser-based version is made with SigmaJs
- Data were kindly provided by Jeff Clark (@JeffClark) and can be found here.
- Description of the data: a list of triples: {datavizer A, datavizer B mentioned in the tweets of A, frequency of these mentions}
- Treatment: I applied a similarity measure "connect two datavizers only if they frequently refer to the same other datavizers C, D, E, ... in their tweets".
- The result is imported in Gephi where a community detection algorithm was applied.
- Note that the size of the nodes refers to a centrality measure unrelated to the similarity exercise.
It is simply: "how many times a datavizer is mentioned by other accounts"
- This study is part of a larger project: creating a simple Java program to highlight the subtle structures hidden in "hairball" networks.
- Check out "Gaze", the Github repo for this project.
An executable version (exe file) of this program is available here.
- The Gephi file (with node labels and different attributes) is also available for download
- Did you like this viz? Follow me on Twitter (here) or check my other projects here